Pop Magic has an array of colourful characters that are available for your function or event.
These fun, interactive and engaging characters / personalities are available to provide strolling magical entertainment or meet and greet your guests at your venue.
Characters Available

Santa Claus
Vince’s characters include Santa Clause / Father Christmas. Santa is very traditional with the highest quality imported outfit from overseas with traditional accessories. Santa Claus / Father Christmas is extremely popular in Nov and Dec each year in addition to many “Christmas in July Events” held mid year.

The Wizard
Vince’s characters also include The Wizard, appropriately attired with Hat, Gown and Gladstone Bag, The Wizard is a versatile character whether undertaking a meet and greet or undertaking Strolling Magic or Magic Shows with a Character Theme.

The Pirate
Another popular of Vince’s Characters is The Pirate. The Pirate is a very SCARY pirate….actually he is scared of pirates!!! Although brandishing a sword and pistol this Pirate is fun, friendly and polite. Many party themes are of a nautical nature so Vince will perform his magic in full pirate regalia.Vince’s Pirate character is also available as a strolling/roving character for functions and events.

Easter Bunny
Vince’s character as the “Easter Bunny” is a fun/animated strolling character which a sense of mischievousness. Whether strolling as a meet and greet character or handing out Easter treats Children and Adults alike love the friendly demeanor. Easter Bunny has undertaken a wide variety of visits to Shopping Centres …

Professor Gordon William Shumway
Professor Shumway has three degrees…in Temperature!! and is a Professor – SA -( Self Appointed) of Psychology and various other Sciences. Professor Shumway is available to visit schools, Corporate Functions to perform his magical entertainment as he discusses / demonstrate scientific principles with a scientific “Bent”.

Doc Pop
Vince’s character as “Doc Pop – Medical Magic” is sure to stimulate your funny bone as he applies his “extensive”?? knowledge of procedures, medical and otherwise, to your function or event.
Doc Pop is available to “consult” in a strolling capacity or appear at your “operating theatre” to perform a “medically” themed performance.